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Build bridges with BeeBoard.

Whether you run a library, arts center, or other community space, people are at the heart of what you do. BeeBoard lets you highlight your organization’s work and gives your members a platform to share information with each other.

Announce events.

Bring people together by posting events right where everyone can see them.

Raise Funds.

Any non-profit organization should use every opportunity to remind members of the value they bring. Use BeeBoard to promote how you’re benefitting the community, and don’t be afraid to post how they can contribute time or money.

Let members add bulletins.

Make community members feel connected to your organization by inviting them to contribute their own notes, photos, and events to the BeeBoard.

Build a bigger community.

Once BeeBoard’s corkboard is full, clear it off and snap photos of any flyers that are still relevant. Then upload them to the app so they appear on the iPad in your BeeBoard.